ZooZ Starter Package




Zooz NHS Tablets

Key to the success of the ZooZ Programme, is our specially formulated ZooZ Natural Health Supplement tablets. The ZooZ tablets include, among other, onions, tomatoes, carrots, green beans, bell peppers and celery. Vegetables are dehydrated within 24 hours after harvesting, to retain optimal nutrition levels. The revolutionary ZooZ NHS tablet, is a concept long awaited.
NHS Tablets: Now easier to use!!!
One tub of soup tabs should last 10 days.
ZooZ Eating Plan supplied with every NHS product.

Added value:

Includes exercise and eating plan

ZooZ AloeMag Capsules – 70 capsules

The CSN Health Drink and AloeMag capsules supports your body’s cleansing processes.

GOOD FOR NUMEROUS AILMENTS: Gout, Arthritis, Fibrosis, diabetes, Skin Ailments, PMT, Migraine, Insomnia, Gall and Kidney Stones and infections, etc.

You will need 1 x Aloemag Capsules per month.

ZooZ Barley Grass – 180 Capsules

Barley Grass is one of nature’s super foods. It is concentrated source of nearly three dozen vitamins and minerals.

Barley Grass is particularly rich in vitamins A, C, B1, B2, B12, Folic Acid, Calcium, Iron, Potassium and Chlorophyll. Unlike most plants, Barley Grass provides all nine essential amino acids (those that your body cannot produce).

Increases energy and mental focus, fewer infections, healthy blood pressure, balances blood sugar levels, reduces incidence of chronic conditions such as diabetes.

This is the iodine-free option to the CSN Green Powder.

Product can be used as a nutritional supplement in conjunction with the CSN Eating Plan or as supplement on its own.

PLEASE NOTE: you do not need both these products (Green Powder & barley Grass), the difference between the two: Green Powder contains IODINE, so if you are allergic you can use the Barley Grass.

You will need 1 x CSN Barley Grass Capsules per month.


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